I’ve decided to preemptively write a PFAQ, which I define as Potential Frequently Asked Questions, because it’s 11:30 PM and I’m not tired yet.

1) What do you use to film your videos?

I used to use my phone (iPhone at the time), and had built a K’Nex stand for it which I thought was pretty neat.  Then I happened to buy a Nikon D3200 DSLR camera because I like photography.  I realized I could also take videos with it, so that’s what I’m currently using.

2) Why is your audio so bad?

This actually wasn’t frequently asked on my videos, it was more of a frequent comment.  “I can’t hear you!!!!!”  I get it.  Try turning up your volume.  But to be fair, when I was using my phone’s microphone, the audio was pretty bad.  So I decided to get a couple mics.  I bought a shotgun mic and a lav mic.  The shotgun mic never made it out of its box.  The first lav mic I bought (I just went back to check my Amazon purchases) was the Audio-Technica ATR3350 Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Microphone.  It had pretty good reviews and wasn’t too expensive, so I bought it.  The first time I tried clipping it to my shirt, the cheap plastic thing that holds the mic to the clip snapped, so that was fun.  It also needed its own power, which meant it might stop recording halfway through your video if it ran out of battery.  I never used this mic in any of my videos.

I ended up buying the Sony ECMCS3 Clip Style Omnidirectional Stereo Microphone ($17 on Amazon), and I love it.  I think the sound is great, and I haven’t had any complaints since.  I also purchased a 15 foot extension cord for the 3.5 mm jack.  This was important for my videos because the length of the wire for the lav mic is only 42 inches.  I plug the extension cord into my camera, and the mic into the other end of the extension cord, and then I record.

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3) Who edits your videos?

Me.  And I hate it.  No one has ever asked me this (because the editing quality is bottom-notch), but I just wanted to make it very clear that I hate doing any kind of video/audio editing.  I’m of the firm belief that my camera should automagically know how I want my video to turn out after I take it, edit it accordingly, and post it to YouTube, without any interaction from me.

4) Why are your white-board videos dark (sometimes)?

Great question, Josh.  I’ve moved from apartment to apartment for the past few years.  The place I’m currently at is the first place I’ve been at for longer than a year (in the past 5 years).  No place had really great lighting.  The first video I ever posted was in my kitchen.  Then I filmed in my bedroom on top of my dresser, and the only light was behind my head.  Then I moved and filmed in my bedroom again, but this time on top of my nightstand next to my bed.  I think there was an overhead light, but it wasn’t very bright.  Then I moved and filmed in my bedroom on my nightstand again, but now there wasn’t an overhead light, so I used a floor lamp.  This is why you can sometimes see bright spots on my white-board.  Now I’m in my current residence, and I mounted the white-board to the wall in the office, where there is an overhead light/fan with five bulbs.  It’s pretty bright, but when I film, the bulbs show up as bright spots on the board.  So I covered them with a blue dish towel, which helps with the bright spots, but makes the overall video dimmer.  This is where I’m at in my life right now, until I decide to throw in some money for a lamp and soft box.


3 Replies to “FAQ”

    • Hi Robert, there’s no cost for any subscription, whether it’s my website or my YouTube page. If you’re being asked to pay for anything, then it’s probably a scam.

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